How can I document my experiences?

Please go to Experience York to get started on making the most of your experiences through Becoming YU.

  1. Go to Experience York
  2. Click on the “Students” tab from the top bar and sign-in with your student Passport York ID.
  3. Click on "Career Education & Development", then "About Becoming YU" on the left navigation bar and follow the steps.

As you complete each module, you will be asked to reflect on what you've done up to each check-in. Taking the time to reflect will help you to track, recognize and make meaning of the personal, academic and professional experiences you’re having while at York.


Step 1. Experience Details, Goal Setting & Skills Selection

To be completed within the first two weeks of your experience.

This is where you will enter the details of your position/experience, and set some relevant goals that align with who you are and how you want to learn and grow through this experience. You will also learn about the academic, personal and professional skills and competencies you possess through an interactive eclass video and understand what transferrable skills you may have and which ones you may want to work on through this experience.

Step 2. Mid-way Check-in

To be completed at the middle-point of your experience. This step is designed for you to revisit and reflect on your goals and skills development to date.

Step 3. Final Check-in

To be completed at the end of your experience. This step is designed to help you reflect on the key skills you were able to develop or improve upon during your experience and now, how to articulate those skills and accomplishments with confidence through an interactive Moodle video!

As a work/study student you will be engaging with your coach or supervisor throughout this process by having at least three check-in meetings with them to help guide you.

You will also be encouraged to capture your skills development based on six core competencies. What is a competency? It’s the ability to apply or use a set of related knowledge, skills, abilities and individual attributes which, when applied in specific roles, help achieve desired results.

Becoming YU is designed to be self-driven, giving you the opportunity to set goals which you will work toward throughout your experience and build key competencies. The key to success is reflection – taking the time to make meaning of your experiences and skills development. Therefore, we encourage you to check-in regularly with your coach to receive guidance and support. Your coach will have access to view your progress in Becoming YU and see your responses so that they can better understand what it is that you want to achieve in this work experience. The Check-In Guidelines for Students provides you with some tips on how to make the most of your conversations with your coach.

If you are a York University work/study student, your coach will be engaging in the Becoming YU process with you.

As a Work/Study student, Becoming YU has given me much-needed opportunities for reflection, has helped me find the vocabulary to describe the skills I already possessed and have fostered as a Senior Learning Skills Peer, and has helped me identify areas of growth for the future.” – Alessia Loduca, completing her studies in English, French, & Concurrent Education (Senior Learning Skills Peer at Learning Skills Services)


Are you a student in the Becoming YU program? Let us know any feedback you have!